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Jul 15, 2024

Can Cattle Ranching Be Sustainable?

by Legacy Ag Credit

Cattle ranching has been a vital part of the Texas landscape and economy for generations. As a trusted lender with deep roots in the Lone Star State, Legacy Ag Credit understands the importance of sustainability in cattle ranching. Sustainable ranching can help protect our diverse ecosystems and the natural beauty that makes our state so great. We're committed to supporting ranchers who seek to balance production with environmental stewardship, ensuring a thriving future for their operations, the land they depend on, and the next generation of ranchers.

The Challenge: Balancing Production with Preservation

Traditional cattle ranching practices have sometimes led to negative environmental impacts, such as soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat loss. These challenges underscore the need for a more sustainable approach to raising cattle in Texas. By adopting practices that prioritize the health of our ecosystems, ranchers can help preserve the natural beauty and resources that make our state unique.

The Opportunity: Embracing Sustainable Practices

Fortunately, there are exciting opportunities for cattle ranchers to embrace sustainable practices that benefit both their herds and the environment. By implementing some of the strategies mentioned below, ranchers can enhance the long-term viability of their operations while contributing to the conservation of Texas's landscapes.

Rotational Grazing

The concept of strategically managing pastures is nothing new. There is evidence that similar practices to what we call rotational grazing have been around since the 18th century, most likely even earlier. Rotational grazing involves moving cattle herds regularly to prevent overgrazing and allow pastures to recover. This practice helps maintain the health and productivity of grasslands, reduces soil erosion, and promotes biodiversity.

Cover Cropping

Cover cropping is a practice where a rancher will plant a specific type of crop not for harvesting but to improve the health of the soil. For example, planting legumes and other cover crops between grazing periods improves soil health, reduces erosion, and provides additional forage for cattle. Cover crops also help to increase soil carbon content, add organic matter, and enhance the soil's ability to retain moisture and nutrients.

riparian management protecting areas along rivers

Riparian Management

Riparian management focuses on protecting the areas along streams and rivers. Cow waste will introduce bacteria into waterways and can cause algae growth. By fencing off these sensitive habitats and providing alternative water sources for cattle, ranchers can reduce the impact of grazing on aquatic ecosystems. This not only benefits wildlife but also helps to maintain clean water sources for cattle and downstream communities.


Land management also includes silvopasture or adding trees into pastureland. This practice provides shade and shelter for cattle, reducing heat stress that can come from open, dry, hot land, which will improve animal welfare. Trees also help to improve air quality, capture carbon, and support greater biodiversity by providing additional habitat for wildlife.

Financial Support for Sustainable Cattle Ranching

Adding or supporting sustainable practices doesn't come free. Access to financing is crucial for small and medium-sized cattle ranchers who want to adopt sustainable practices. Legacy Ag Credit plays a vital role in supporting these efforts through our livestock loans and ranch loans.

As a lender with deep expertise in the unique needs of Northeast Texas ranchers, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with running a cattle operation. Our financing options can help ranchers implement sustainable practices, whether it's through investing in infrastructure, purchasing cover crop seeds, or installing alternative water sources for cattle.

Livestock Loans

Our livestock loans provide the capital needed to purchase cattle, breeding stock, and equipment. Whether you're looking to expand your herd or invest in high-quality genetics, we can help you achieve your goals.

Ranch Loans

Ranch loans from Legacy Ag Credit can be used to refinance existing land debt or secure capital for land improvements and conservation projects. If you're looking to implement sustainable practices on your ranch, our financing options can help make it happen.

cover cropping as part of sustainable cattle ranching

Starting a Small Cattle Farm: Steps and Considerations

If you're thinking about starting a small cattle farm with 5-15 cows, we have several important steps to get you started:

  1. Develop a business plan that outlines your goals, target market, and financial projections.
  2. Secure access to land with adequate pasture and water resources.
  3. Invest in necessary infrastructure, such as fencing, barns, and handling facilities.
  4. Purchase your initial herd of cattle, focusing on breeds well-suited to your region and goals.
  5. Implement a grazing management plan that prioritizes the health of your pastures and cattle.

Starting a small cattle farm comes with challenges, from the initial capital investment to the day-to-day management of your herd. Financial planning is essential, and securing loans for startup farms can help you overcome some of these hurdles. At Legacy Ag Credit, we're here to help you navigate the process and find financing solutions that fit your needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get started on cattle ranching or other farming business ventures.

Get Started with Legacy Ag Credit

At Legacy Ag Credit, our loan officers are ready to help you structure a financing plan that meets your goals and budget. Whether you're an experienced rancher looking to expand your operation or a new farmer just starting out, we have the expertise and resources to support your success.

To get started, apply online, call us toll-free at 866-885-3522, or visit one of our branches today. Let us help you turn your cattle ranching dreams into a reality.

sustainable cattle ranching

Cattle Ranching Loans FAQs

Q: Is starting a small cattle farm with around 5-15 cows difficult?

A: Starting a small cattle farm requires careful planning and a significant investment of time and resources. While it may not be as complex as managing a large-scale operation, there are still many factors to consider, such as land access, infrastructure, herd management, and financial planning. Working with experienced professionals, like the team at Legacy Ag Credit, can help you navigate the process and set your farm up for success.

Q: How easy is it to get a farm loan?

A: The ease of obtaining a farm loan depends on several factors, including your credit history, business plan, and collateral. At Legacy Ag Credit, we specialize in providing financing solutions for cattle ranchers and farmers in Texas. Our loan officers work closely with you to understand your unique needs and help you find the best options for your situation.

Q: What options are available for cow & livestock finance?

A: Legacy Ag Credit offers a range of financing options for cow and livestock operations, including livestock loans for purchasing cattle, breeding stock, and equipment, as well as ranch loans for refinancing land debt or securing capital for improvements. We also offer lines of credit and other financing solutions tailored to the needs of cattle ranchers in Texas.

Q:  Are livestock loans available in Northeast Texas?

A: Yes, Legacy Ag Credit provides livestock loans and other financing options for cattle ranchers throughout Texas, including the Northeast region. Our branch network and online lending services make it easy to access the capital you need, no matter where your operation is located.

Q: Can I get a loan for a cattle farm and ranch?

A: Absolutely! Legacy Ag Credit specializes in providing loans for cattle farms and ranches in Texas. Whether you're looking to purchase land, expand your herd, or invest in infrastructure improvements, we have the financing solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Q: Is cattle ranching a profitable business?

A: Cattle ranching can be a profitable business, but it requires careful management and an understanding of the industry. Factors such as market conditions, operational efficiency, and risk management all play a role in determining the profitability of a cattle ranching operation. At Legacy Ag Credit, our team has the expertise to help you make informed financial decisions and maximize the potential of your cattle business.